Friday, November 19, 2010

Rare Song: from the movie Dumb and Dumber 2 versions

Due to the fact that many folks do appreciate the "lost" part(s) of the "Dumb And Dumber" - Soundtrack, but aren't able to find it anywhere (because it isn't availabe anywhere ;-)), here it is. As you can hear, there are 2 versions of the track, slightly different.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

one of the few different RA programs

click on my link above to view the program in full

RundgrenRadio tonight Choir members from last tour

Rundgren Radio airs tonight at 8:30pm ET!

CHOIR NIGHT! We'll have some choir members from the Todd/Healing tour checking in with us to give us their takes on the experience. Shine, shine, shine, shine, shine!